Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer Mod

Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer Mod APK 1.0 [شراء مجاني][Mod speed]

تحديث على: 2024-09-28

Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer Mod نسخة معدلة من Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer تم تطويره بواسطة Pratham Tech. الفرق بين إصدار التعديل والإصدار الأصلي هو: Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer Mod APK 1.0...يمكنك تنزيل أحدث إصدار تعديل أو إصدار أصلي من Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer 1.0 مع HappyMod. HappyMod هو أفضل برنامج تنزيل تعديل لتعديلات العمل بنسبة 100٪. انقر هنا للتعلم كيفية الاستخدام HappyMod لتنزيل وتثبيت جميع أنواع الملفات: xapk, bapk, apks ...
اسم التطبيقDuplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer Mod APK 1.0 [شراء مجاني][Mod speed]
تحديث على2024-09-28
بحجم5.39 MB
وزارة الدفاع المعلوماتDuplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer Mod APK 1.0 No Ads
مطورPratham Tech
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Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer Mod APK 1.0 [شراء مجاني][Mod speed]

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# وزارة الدفاع المعلومات

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Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer Mod APK 1.0 No Ads

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# Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer Mod APK 1.0 [شراء مجاني][Mod speed] ميزة:

Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer finds and removes duplicate files from your Android device so that you can recover additional storage space without much ado. Moreover, a similar photo cleaner the latest feature added to the application will remove similar pictures too.

In today's era, most of us want to remove duplicated files from our android phones. Those similar or duplicate files may be duplicate photos, duplicate videos, duplicate audio files and other files too. These files occupy a very vast space and our phone gets slowdown. For removing such unwanted files we introduce you a very efficient working application that can be known as a Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer, duplicate photos remover, duplicate audio remover, duplicate music files remover, duplicate selfie photos remover, and duplicate videos remover and the main purpose of this application is it is used to delete all the similar files or we can say the duplicate files from your phone.

Are you facing storage issue on your device ? is your device low on storage ? do you want to increase storage on your device? if "yes" then look no further & hit that "install" button.

Nowadays, with so much storage space in android devices, we usually dump whatever we can until the storage fills up to its brim. And the next step most of us will do is try to delete useless files. But we often throw a blind eye to duplicate files. On average, about 10% of any physical device is filled with duplicate files. Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer will help you to delete these files and free up space on your Android device.

Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer the application removes all duplicate media audio, images and video files present in you are internal to phone memory and external storage to SD card. Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer is a powerful Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer app. Photos, videos occupy most of our storage space and if we do not identify such duplicate files then our storage runs out of space due to unnecessary reason. It lets you easily search and remove the duplicate files on your android mobile phone and tablet. Using duplicate files finder you can easily identify identical same and similar photos, videos, audios and delete them with just a single click. Nowadays with so much storage space in android devices, we usually dump whatever we can until the storage fills up to its brim.

What kind of problems are caused by duplicate files?

  ● Slows down your Android device
  ● Occupy unnecessary space
  ● Creates a mess and disarray on your device
  ● Clutters device making finding data difficult
  ● Makes searches more complicated and slow
  ● Reduces storage capacity by a major percentage


● Smart Scan Modes
● Identify duplicate and similar photos from your gallery.
● Remove duplicate audios, videos, photos, files.
● Simple and easy to use interface.
● Searches for accurate duplicate files stored on your Android device.
● Identifies both exact and similar-looking copies of photos.
● Detects and deletes all types of duplicate files.
● FREE!!
● Easy To Use!!
● Best App For Removing your Duplicate Files.

# كيفية التنزيل والتثبيت Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer Mod APK 1.0 [شراء مجاني][Mod speed]?

// خيار A //

للتحميل Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer وزارة الدفاع من HappyMod.com.
تحتاج إلى تمكين الخيار "مصادر غير معروفة".
1. انقر فوق الارتباط أعلاه لتنزيل Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer mod APK.
2. احفظ الملف في مجلد التنزيلات بجهازك.
3. الآن اضغط على تثبيت وانتظر حتى ينتهي التثبيت.
4. بمجرد الانتهاء من ذلك , افتح اللعبة وابدأ بلعبها على الفور.

// خيار B //

لتنزيل Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer من تطبيق HappyMod , يمكنك اتباع هذا:
1. افتح متصفحك وقم بتنزيل ملف HappyMod APK من HappyMod.com - الموقع الرسمي الوحيد لـ HappyMod.
2. افتح إعدادات Android وانتقل إلى الخصوصية أو الأمان.
3. اضغط على خيار السماح بمصادر غير معروفة وتمكينه.
4. انتقل إلى تنزيلات Android وانقر على ملف APK.
5. اتبع التعليمات التي تظهر على الشاشة لتثبيته.
6. ابحث عن Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer في تطبيق HappyMod.

# المواصفات الكاملة لـ Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer Mod APK 1.0 [شراء مجاني][Mod speed]

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يدعم أي كثافةNo

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# ما الذي يتحدث عنه المستخدمون Duplicate File Remover - Gallery Cleaner & Fixer Mod APK

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