After changing the game, you can get unlimited gold coins and cash. The latest version of the Google kit is forced. If there is no Google kit, please be installed in (Perpromus Network Game Box-Mine-Google Installation-One-click installation).
تحتوي اللعبة على قائمة غش مدمجة ، يمكن فتحها من خلال النقر على الرمز في الزاوية اليسرى العلوية 1.magic Strike
/>4.freeze الأعداء (الجانب الأيمن) 5.
تجميد الأعداء (الجانب الأيسر) 6.peed
Game Speed Multiplier / No Ads Modifying enough banknotes (vehicles can be forced to purchase) and XP do not reduce it but increase!
Added modification in July 6:05 on July 6:05: Use money to get a lot of money and diamonds. Diamonds need to switch the scene screen to refresh the value