NovelMe-Novel asik semua genre APK

version: 5.4.2

Read online and offline romance novels on ASLI Indonesia webnovel platform

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  • NovelMe-Novel asik semua genre APK
  • NovelMe-Novel asik semua genre APK
  • NovelMe-Novel asik semua genre APK
  • NovelMe-Novel asik semua genre APK
  • NovelMe-Novel asik semua genre APK
مراجعة المحرر

Read thousands of digital novels that are romantic, fun, immersive, and can kill boredom. You can read it anytime, anywhere, online and offline as you like, exclusively in the original Indonesian application, NovelMe! Guaranteed to put you in a good mood!

Enjoy popular and best selling novels such as: Love and Contract, Married With Mr.Dev, Young Master's Nanny, Substitute Husband, My Introvert President, Don't Hate Love, Hot Uncle, Perfect Hero, Legend of the Fire Sword, My Mysterious Husband, One Night Surprise And many others!

Enjoy thousands of interesting stories with a wide selection of genres, such as romance novels that make you emotional, fantasy that makes you drift into imaginary realms, horror that makes your skin crawl, super exciting fanfic to the Wiro Sableng style of warrior style martial arts! All novels are guaranteed to be addictive!

Not only for readers, writers are also required to install because WRITING IN NOVELME PAID! Yup, you will get income from selling your paid chapters. Apart from that, NovelMe regularly distributes hundreds of millions in prizes for those of you who want to take part in the Next Top Writer competition, which has entered its 9th Season in April 2021! For those of you who want to develop your writing skills, NovelMe editors are ready to assist and guide you to become a successful writer at NovelMe!

Improved product features:
1. More and more complete genres
2. Author feature inside the app. YES! Now you can upload your writing via the application directly
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Greget story not as expected? Just write your own version of the story with super big prizes and income for writers! Come on, go directly to the website to register and upload your work. Upload your work in stages, you know!

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