version: 2.0.4
Looking for high-quality wallpapers for Phone?
To fit the parallax size?
Want cool Live Wallpapers in 4K and HD quality?
To see every day a lot of new wallpapers?
You just found this app!
ThemeElf - a completely new level of approach to wallpaper
Looking for high-quality wallpapers for Phone?
To fit the parallax size?
Want cool Live Wallpapers in 4K and HD quality?
To see every day a lot of new wallpapers?
You just found this app!
ThemeElf - a completely new level of approach to wallpaper.
Only suitable wallpapers for the resolution of your Phone. Live wallpapers or usual wallpapers, you'll see only the best.
We have artists who draw for you almost every day!
Exclusive wallpapers, Double, Live and Video wallpapers that available only in ThemeElf!
which is going to make your phone or tablet stand out, you can also share them through social media or with family and friends.